
Welcome to my temporary sanctuary of words


I am currently working on Virgin media Sports campaigns. I have finally learned how to pronounce ‘Mourinho’, I made a Formula 1 infographic and learned about the impressive wins of Ayrton Senna in Monaco. However, Mourinho is so photogenic, the amount of faces he can pull! Wow. This is by far my favourite of his (I might get it framed):


But what I like mostly about working with sport is the amazing photography and facial expressions, people caught in action, it’s such great entertainment..  You may lay your eyes on some of my silly creations ^_^







A False Impression.

False impressions certainly do not let us make the best decisions in life. Hiding beneath our skin is the real person – is this not a true saying: ‘what matters is on the inside’?  But perhaps not in our visual culture, where contrarily what you see is not what you get. What really separates us as people is this outside semblance, false ideals, cultural differences. And is it not because we are so consumed with our own life judgements and preconceived ideas of convention? So, is it not true in such case, therefore, that everything can appear differently on the outside with the help of some manipulation and then nothing makes sense?

We should always strive for revolution within ourselves.


Washed colour. Half done, half finished, grown out, worn out. Imperfect but perfect and interesting. Colour – that’s the main focus. Anything that is unnatural – green, blue, purple, pink – they somehow constitute the universe, the milky-way. The space seems to be filled with most bright and strange colour combinations. And what do we know about it? Not much, our knowledge is just a dip in the ocean..

You are Young, Broke and Beautiful

I could forever write and post here and not tire or get bored because there is an infinite amount of things to write about, an infinite amount of thoughts and ideas, floating in space, surrounding us in our universe. There are still so many things to uncover and to learn and one cannot stop, for all the time on this earth – everything is ephemeral.. unless you live forever? Never stop exploring, changing and discovering new things, coming up with new ideas – that’s the route of progress.

A Modern Sermon.

What is modernism? What really is modernity? We can turn our heads to the cloak of history and glimpse the abundance of cultural movements that have contributed to our human enlightenment as well as artistic and intellectual development. We have outlived modernism, as well as postmodernism, so where are we now? Is this an age of the futuristic fantasy in a utopian landscape, or just remains of humanity on dystopian fields of scrap and bankruptcy? I guess it depends on your point of view. How you see life is your point of view.

Indeed modernism was not the pinnacle or the culmination of movements, nor has it ended. But then again, the past keeps on resurrecting in our houses, our fashion and architecture through various elements we borrow and adapt from the past. The past is still with us. The future is now.

Who. Are. You.

Who are you? Are you a dreamer? Are you a follower of your visions or is disappointment making you weaker? When everything darkens and clouds, will you still stand your ground? Will you hold on to what you believed in the light? Will you keep at heart who you are or will you stray from your path?

Every inch of this collections speaks words and comments on many things. You may see different things, but what do you see? Is this fashion defaced? Is this an illustration of hopelessness, of following in somebody else’s footsteps? Or is this just an identity – one that fashion bestows on each of us. Has fashion this power to alter and conjure up your personality..? Perhaps we are all just actors, on a big round strange, walking up and down, dressed in clothing of character..



Yummy and Fantastical

Our obsessions – stimulated by adverts; adverts inundated with our obsessions laced in lavish, vivid, tempting imagery, like soft liquor running down our throat. And you cannot resist it. And just how far do we let our minds run away with it? Is it until we dream and daydream and crave the advertised? Until we appoint it a major place in our minds (or worse yet – lives! Don’t make pizza the main craving in your life.. please!)? But maybe everything is just a game, after all, our generation has long drowned in this mass of pop culture. Do you say today’s kids are becoming less cultured? But think again, I say! What is culture? If it is knowledge and retaining to certain behaviour, then in such case, never have we been so cultured at any other given time in history – we are living in a ‘global village’ of information, connected to eachother, powered by our obsessions, beliefs, interests, aspirations and very much concerned with the here and now.


Français et provocateur

What do you think is typically French? Paris and its notion of romance seem to be very passé if you visit.. or is it just me? What vanquished its vogue?! Or is it just because, underneath the glossy pictures and films, it is just a dull city in the day? Even the Eiffel Tower and the Moulin Rouge, somewhat lacked grandeur and elegance. Or perhaps my expectations were too much dipped in this sumptuous vision lingering in literature and visual arts? Who knows, but I guess Paris will always be seen as a city of allure, drapes, and the colour red..


So I came across this idea – it might be interesting for making icons and a background page, or a front page. This is relating to food – so the layout on the page mimics a piggy, and even though it is not especially obvious, you immediately do recognise it as a pig (also, the colour scheme helps a lot!)

So here’s the big version


And here’s the icon version. It works as an icons because it is such a representative image, especially when it’s smaller and your eyes are able to focus on it more
